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Партнерская программа eDarling - RU

A dating website for people looking for a stable relationship. Known from TV ads
Commission: Sign-up and providing real data

Ставка $0.11 - 0.88

Описание партнерской программы: eDarling - RU

eDarling is an online dating site for those looking for serious relationships. eDarling has a huge database of active users, so everyone has the chance to find the second half for themselves.

Условия продвижения программы

In order for the publisher to receive the lead, the end-user must fill out the form and complete all data, ie: name, surname, zip code, and accept the regulations. Validation of the lead is about 45 days.
The data must be 100% correct. For some offers, the user must be 18 years old. ATTENTION! If it turns out that the data is correct, but the third party has completed the offer on behalf of another person, the lead will also not be granted.

Allowed traffic type:
-Context ads
-Social networks
-Teaser advertisements
-Content of websites

Not allowed traffic type:
-Clickunder / popunder
-Branded context ads
-Mobile traffic in mobile version

Категория: Для взрослых , Дейтинг
Последнее обновление: 2019-06-03 14:16:05
Тип устройства:
Тип трафика: Запрещенный мотивированный трафик
EPC : n/a
Тип конверсии: Создание и активация аккаунта
CR : n/a
Deeplink: Нет
Баннеры Нет

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