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Партнерская программа World of Warships - Registration - Desktop - CZ, PL, SK

Ставка $3.56

Описание партнерской программы: World of Warships - Registration - Desktop - CZ, PL, SK

The World of Warships Affiliate Program is an opportunity to make big money for user acquisition in the popular PC game. The affiliate program is officially presented by the award-winning online game developer Wargaming, one of the leaders in the free-to-play MMO market. The Program works on CPA. The action (conversion) is a free registration in World of Warships. SOI registration. The offer includes the invite code for the new players only: Doubloons: 200 WoWS Premium Days: 6 Credits: 2 000 000 German battleship: Nassau British battleship: Dreadnought 20x Camouflages: Restless Fire. Invite Code: ROCK - is already inserted into the registration form of a player. End of the code lifetime is October 31, 2021. Creatives: https://corpwargaming-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/y_emanov_wargaming_net/EptoFch7XBNMgfy-wQUdK5IBz4qPfmELWgA31sQHMoBy3Q?e=Hu3uDN Video Link: https://corpwargaming-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/y_emanov_wargaming_net/EukWtEu1DqZOrZPVvbX4pw8BqngDQ6LeH_Tmwa9IkYPVHA?e=u0bQmu

Условия продвижения программы

Нет ограничений для твоего языка.

Покажи ограничение в другом языке
Категория: Развлечения , Игры , Клиентские игры , Услуги , Интернет
Последнее обновление: 2022-03-16 05:19:50
Тип устройства: Рабочий стол , Mac , Windows , Linux
Тип трафика: Запрещенный мотивированный трафик
EPC : n/a
Тип конверсии: Создание и активация аккаунта
CR : n/a
Deeplink: Нет
Баннеры Нет

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