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Партнерская программа Smartprice

Promote the offer of the used telephone store! Commission: Sales

Ставка 5,60%

Описание партнерской программы: Smartprice

Smartprice sells mobile phones that were previously used. However, they have been thoroughly inspected in the service centre, and certified experts have replaced all the parts that needed to be refurbished.
Now these renovated smart phones are absolutely ready for a new start. Smartprice is sure of the quality of our work and can guarantee that the condition of thre phones corresponds to the stated parameters.

The condition of the used phones available on the website can be of three types. 

- Like-new condition: without any traces of use; 
- Perfect condition: with barely perceptible traces of use; 
- Good condition: with perceptible traces of use

The rate varies depending on the state of the purchased phone

Условия продвижения программы

Allowed traffic type: Contextual advertising, Banners, AdSpot / RichMedia / Sliding, E-mail, Social networks, Price comparison, Coupons, Cashback, Teaser advertisement, Clickunder / Popunder, Doorways, web content, Incent, Messenger / SMS, Pop-up up, Mobile traffic in mobile version, Adult, Toolbar, YouTube channel, Autoredirect

Категория: Бытовая техника и электроника , Телефоны и аксессуары
Последнее обновление: 2020-02-11 15:30:17
Тип устройства: Мобильные устройства , Android , Windows , iOS , Рабочий стол , Mac , Windows , Linux , Планшет , iOS
Тип трафика: Мотивированный трафик
EPC : n/a
Тип конверсии: Продажа
CR : n/a
Deeplink: Нет
Баннеры Нет

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