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Партнерская программа Alfa Bank - Perekrestok CC

Promote a credit card campaign from a well-known bank! Commission: Activate the card. The more activation the higher the rate.

Ставка $26.69 - 29.41

Описание партнерской программы: Alfa Bank - Perekrestok CC

Alfa-Bank is a part of the international "Alfa-Group" company and provides a wide range of financial services to individuals and legal entities.

The list of services includes such offerings as consumer loans, auto loans, money transfers, credit card clearance, insurance, small business loans, financial services for corporate and VIP-clients, internet banking, and much more.

One of the bank services is issue of the “Perekrestok” credit card with the following benefits:
- up to 3 points per each 10 rubles
- 5,000 points as a gift
- 60 days without credit interest for shopping and cash withdrawal
- credit limit — up to 500,000 rubles
- service charge — 490 rubles per year
- can be connected to Apple Pay or Samsung Pay

Restrictions on working with this offer:
– It is categorically forbidden to generate traffic using call centers
– It is categorically forbidden to use any false information about the bank’s products
– Publishers found in violation of these rules will have their account permanently unsubscribed from the offer, and all funds earned on it will be removed.

Условия продвижения программы

Allowed traffic type: Contextual advertising, Banners, AdSpot / RichMedia / Sliding, E-mail, Social networks, teaser advertisement, Doorways, web content, Messenger / SMS, Mobile traffic in mobile version

Категория: Бизнес , Карты , Кредитная карта
Последнее обновление: 2020-06-15 19:25:39
Тип устройства: Мобильные устройства , Android , Windows , iOS , Рабочий стол , Mac , Windows , Linux , Планшет , iOS
Тип трафика: Запрещенный мотивированный трафик
EPC : n/a
Тип конверсии: Завершение задания
CR : n/a
Deeplink: Нет
Баннеры Нет

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