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Партнерская программа Mail.ru Business

CPS e-mail platform for Russian companies. Commission: For purchasing one of the option

Ставка 3,64% - 10,40%

Описание партнерской программы: Mail.ru Business

The Mail.Ru platform for business combines online services for corporate communications, cloud storage and marketing.

Included in the "Mail.Ru for business" services are designed to:
- reducing costs associated with storing digital content;
- increase the effectiveness of content hosted on sites;
- assessing site traffic and analyzing the behavior of its visitors;
- increasing the efficiency of buying and targeting advertising;
- organization of corporate mail;
- building behavioral patterns of customers.

The main services of the Mail.Ru Platform for Business:
- Paid version of Mail for the domain. Unlimited mailboxes for employees on your domain with an address like [email protected];
- Sendbox - a service for sending emails, SMS and Viber. Trigger mailing, simple management, analytics;
- Askbox - a service for conducting surveys, testing, feedback forms and registrations, collecting data in one place.

The following services are also based on the platform: Icebox (cloud for cold data), Hotbox (cloud for hot data), Teambox (storage for workgroups), My Company, Mail.Ru Rating, Mediator, SEOSan, Postmaster Mail .Ru, Webmaster Mail.Ru and Predictive Analytics. Most services are free. In addition, users can become members of the Mail.Ru Club for Business and receive exclusive offers for other business services from Mail.Ru partner companies.

Условия продвижения программы

Allowed traffic type: Contextual advertising, Banners, AdSpot / RichMedia / Sliding, E-mail, Social networks, Price comparison, Coupons, teaser advertisement, website content, Incent, YouTube channel, Retargeting, Branded context ads

Категория: Услуги , Интернет
Последнее обновление: 2019-07-18 00:18:12
Тип устройства:
Тип трафика: Мотивированный трафик
EPC : n/a
Тип конверсии: Продажа
CR : n/a
Deeplink: Нет
Баннеры Нет

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