Ban on placing local celebrities in materials (landing pages, pre-landings, banners)
Each landing page promoting dietary supplements must contain the following footnotes:
* This ad is based on a fiction and any similarity to real people, places or events is purely coincidental.
* The advertised product is a dietary supplement. Dietary supplements are products intended to supplement the diet. They are not drugs and are not intended to treat, diagnose, alleviate, prevent, or cure any disease
This is forbidden:
- any mention of medical / health workers, medical facilities, patients and their comments is prohibited;
- images of people who might look like a medical worker;
- statements slandering traditional medicine and allopathic medicines;
- attributing to food supplements the property of preventing, treating or treating human disease, or referring to such properties;
- make explicit statements or suggest that a varied and balanced diet cannot generally provide adequate nutrients. Dietary supplements are given to maintain health, promote growth and development of the body
- to guarantee the effect of
- to guarantee no side effects