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Affiliate program Gifty.GG - Register and collect 5,000 GOLD

Sazba $1.92


Popis Affiliate Programu: Gifty.GG - Register and collect 5,000 GOLD

The conversion flow: 1)By clicking the redirecting link user skips to Google Play (in case of Android devices) / AppStore ( in case of iOS devices) where he downloads and installs our app or to the website (in case of any other devices). 2)The next step is registration on our platform by creating a player's account. 3)Then thanks to performing various tasks, he collects Gold (our virtual currency). 4)The moment when the user reaches 5000 Gold is counted as the conversion point. Restrictions: no adult, sweepstakes, gambling sources. All fraudulent conversions will be deducted.

Podmínky propagace programu

Žádná omezení pro váš jazyk.

Zobrazit omezení v jiném jazyce
Kategorie: Služby , Internet
Poslední aktualizace: 2023-05-10 05:18:04
Typ zařízení: Mobilní zařízení , Android , Windows , iOS , Desktop , Mac , Windows , Linux , Tablet , iOS
Typ provozu: Zakázaný motivovaný provoz
EPC : n/a
Typ konverze: Založení a aktivace účtu , Dokončení úkolu
CR : n/a
Deeplink: Ne
Bannery Ne

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