At MyLead, we focus on growth

Together we create a rapidly growing online affiliate platform. Our website generates thousands of visits each month, and hundreds of new users join us every day.

Check our results for yourself
Number of website visits
Number of users
47203 +


16319586 +

website visits

We are proud of our achievements


MyLead was recognized in the ranking of the fastest-growing companies in Europe.

We ranked 257th among the 1000 fastest-growing companies in Europe, while also being the 9th company from Poland with a cumulative growth of 607.97% in the years 2017-2020.





How does it work?

The external company (Advertiser) wants to acquire new customers.

By collaborating with MyLead, you gain the opportunity for promotion and only pay for the achieved results.

Meet our team

CEO & Founder

Patryk Hoffmann

Head of marketing

Bartosz Magielski

Senior Affiliate Manager

Tomasz Gołdyn

Senior Affiliate Manager

Paweł Raciborski

Affiliate Manager

Oleksii Arkhymovych

Full-Stack Developer

Dawid Sklorz

Front-End Developer

Karol Soswa

Back-End Developer

Maciej Turowski

Build a team with us

We are connected by creativity and passion. We will share them with you if you want.

MyLead media kit

It's no wonder you want to contact us. To make it easier for you, we have gathered press materials in one place. You will find there, among others, our logo, contact information, award details, and more.