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Programa de afiliados NiktSieNieDowie

NiktSięNieDowie is a social networking site for finding a date with benefits. Promote the NiktSięNieDowie affiliate program and earn from home. Commission: setting up an account and confirming the email address

Tarifa $0.48 - 2

Tipo CPL

Descripción del NiktSieNieDowie Programa de Afiliado

The niktsieniedowie.com service allows establishing erotic relationships with people from the local area. If your audience includes people who are open to flirting, having fun and a non-committed relationship, recommend them to register on the NiktSięNieDowie social networking site.
The portal operators take care of the confidentiality of their clients, thus they allow them to keep their meetings in secret.
Promote the entirely new dating portal NiktSięNieDowie to your adult recipients and earn up to $ 2.04 for each client.
Validation of the offer takes place up to 10 days after the lead is acquired.

Condiciones de la promoción de programa

Traffic not allowed:
- Incentive traffic
- Mailing
- ClickUnder/PopUnder
- Rebrokering
- Chat traffic

Categoría: Para adultos , Citas , Contenido +18
Última actualización: 2021-01-19 17:06:52
Tipo de dispositivo: Dispositivos móviles , Android , Windows , iOS , Escritorio , Mac , Windows , Linux , Tableta , iOS
Tipo de tráfico: Tráfico motivado no permitido
EPC : n/a
Tipo de conversión: Doble Opt-In , Creación y activación de cuenta , Confirmación de email
CR : n/a
Deeplink: No
Banners No

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