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Affiliate program Diaform+ - IT

Promote the new affiliate program Diaform+ Commission: Sale, contact with call centre

Rate $18.56

Type COD

Description of the Diaform+ - IT Affiliate Program

Normalization of sugar level
Language: Italian
Call Center: 10AM -10PM from Monday to Sunday (Kyiv time)
Regions where delivery is not available:
Livigno, Campione d'Italia

Validation takes place around the 17th of the following month

Terms of program promotion

- Incent traffic
- Social media: groups, games, publications
- Instagram
- Cashback
- ClickUnder/PopUnder
- Installs
- Push Ads
All creations must be agreed with us
The following information may not be used in promotional materials:
- Names of ministries, institutes, programs, medical institutions, news, etc.
- Names and photos of real people. This is especially true for medical professionals. Professionals should come from other countries.
- Calling our products drugs and giving them medicinal properties. The operation of the tool should be described with the prefixes "contributes", "helps".
- In the texts, use statements that can be considered "slander against the state, the medical field".
Information that should be included in promotional materials:
- On the landing page (page with the order form) a footer with the legal information of the seller's company should be placed. Footnote in text "Results may vary"

Category: Health and Beauty , Supplements
Last update: 2023-09-29 12:21:00
Device type: Mobile devices , Android , iOS , Windows , Desktop , Mac , Windows , Linux , Tablet , iOS , Android , Windows
Traffic type: No Incent
EPC : n/a
Conversion type: Sell , Call center contact
CR : n/a
Deeplink: No
Banners No

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