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Affiliate program Geekmall - IT

Promote the new Geekmall online store affiliate program Commission: Sales

Rate 3,75% - 5,25%

Type CPS

Description of the Geekmall - IT Affiliate Program is an Italian site in the consumer electronics, smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and SMART HOME products sector, with a focus on smart cleaning products such as robotic vacuum cleaners, cordless electric brooms and more.
3.20% - websites with cashback and coupons
4.00% - Standard Purchase

Terms of program promotion

- Brand bidding
- Keywords
- Use of contextual advertising if the user searches for the advertiser's company name
- Use of contextual advertising if the user entered the company name with an error
- Use of contextual advertising if the user searches for the company name and the additional word
- Use the advertiser's company name in the headline or text of the ad
- Doorways
- Mailing
- Incent traffic
- Toolbar
- Adult traffic
- API traffic

Category: Appliances and Electronics , Household goods , Sport & Hobby
Last update: 2024-05-05 04:01:23
Device type: Mobile devices , Android , Windows , iOS , Desktop , Mac , Windows , Linux , Tablet , iOS
Traffic type: No Incent
EPC : 22.47 PLN
Conversion type: Sell
CR : n/a
Deeplink: Yes
Banners Yes

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