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Affiliate program Geekbuying - ES

Promote the new campaign of the Geekbuying online store Commission: Sale

Rate 7,50%

Type CPS

Description of the Geekbuying - ES Affiliate Program

Geekbuying is an e-commerce company specializing in products from various categories: smartphones, tablets, TV Box, consumer electronics, car and computer accessories, action cameras, Apple and Samsung accessories, RC hobbies and toys, VR, portable smart home devices, and safety devices.
6.40% - clothes, bags and shoes
4.00% - car accessories, home and garden, consumer electronics
3.20% - TV, Android accessories, local stores, toys, computer accessories
8.00% - other categories Period 1-15 is validated on the about 1st of the following month Period 16-31 is validated on the about 15th of the following month

Terms of program promotion

- Keywords

Category: Appliances and Electronics , Hardware , Telephones and accessories , Audio and video , Household goods
Last update: 2024-05-05 17:17:59
Device type: Mobile devices , Android , Windows , iOS , Desktop , Mac , Windows , Linux , Tablet , iOS
Traffic type: No Incent
EPC : n/a
Conversion type: Sell
CR : n/a
Deeplink: Yes
Banners Yes

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