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Affiliate program Getin Bank - Konto Oszczędnościowe - PL

Promote the new Getin Bank affiliate program - Savings Account. Commission: Opening an account, activating and completing the task.

Rate $22.55

Type CPL

Description of the Getin Bank - Konto Oszczędnościowe - PL Affiliate Program

Flexible Savings Account
-0.5% for New Funds
-for 3 months
-for Clients who have a Personal Account and have granted Marketing Consents.

The remuneration will be awarded for opening an account defined as: 1) Signing an Electronic Banking Agreement 2) Expressing marketing consents for the Bank, 3) Opening an KO and setting up an electronic statement.

ATTENTION! : The settlement will be made only for a new user (a new PESEL number or a user who has not had a Savings Account in the past) and an active account understood as minimum receipts totali

Terms of program promotion

-Pop-up / pop under

Category: Business , Account , Savings account
Last update: 2021-06-08 12:53:37
Device type: Mobile devices , Android , Windows , iOS , Desktop , Mac , Windows , Linux , Tablet , iOS
Traffic type: No Incent
EPC : n/a
Conversion type: Create and activate account , Complete the task
CR : n/a
Deeplink: No
Banners Yes

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