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Affiliate program iELM - ES

Promote the new iELM affiliate program Commission: Sales

Rate 2,63%

Type CPS

Description of the iELM - ES Affiliate Program

iELM is a small family business that produces unique, customized, and cheerful clothes for kids. The iELM philosophy is "Let children be children", which is reflected in the clothes produced. The name iELM was inspired by the four children of the owners of the company: Ida, Elin, Livia și Marcel. Period 1-15 is validated on the about 1st of the following month Period 16-31 is validated on the about 15th of the following month

Terms of program promotion

- Email
- Social media
- Google shopping

Category: Fashion , Clothes , Accessories and additions , Accessories , Presents
Last update: 2024-05-08 21:18:03
Device type: Mobile devices , Android , Windows , iOS , Desktop , Mac , Windows , Linux , Tablet , iOS
Traffic type: Incent
EPC : n/a
Conversion type: Sell
CR : n/a
Deeplink: Yes
Banners Yes

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