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Affiliate program Neoritm - CR

Promote Neoritm's new affiliate program Commission: Sales

Rate $4.93

Type COD

Description of the Neoritm - CR Affiliate Program

Neoritm Сapsules - provide a carefully balanced complex that protects blood vessels and maintains heart health.The unique formula gently and effectively supports the entire cardiovascular system and general well-being. The Magnesium in the formula normalizes the heart rate and reduces the risk of blood clots. The L-carnitine in the capsules supports the body’s energy levels and improves physical endurance. The addition of Calcium helps to maintain the strength of blood vessels and healthy levels of cholesterol. Neoritm Capsules, your heart’s best friend
Validation period: At the end of the month, leads for the last month are checked.

Terms of program promotion

- Incent traffic
- Use of the image of celebrities

Category: Health and Beauty , Cosmetics
Last update: 2023-03-07 11:17:00
Device type: Mobile devices , Android , Windows , iOS , Desktop , Mac , Windows , Linux , Tablet , iOS
Traffic type: No Incent
EPC : n/a
Conversion type: Sell
CR : n/a
Deeplink: No
Banners No

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