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Affiliate program Radisson Hotels - ES

Promote the new Radisson Hotels Affiliate Program Commission: Sales

Rate 3,00%

Type CPS

Description of the Radisson Hotels - ES Affiliate Program

Radisson is a hotel chain that has 265 establishments distributed in 65 countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. With the largest number of rooms and hotels in Europe, Radisson Blu offers great potential to boost the campaign and generate conversions. Period 1-15 is validated on the about 1st of the following month Period 16-31 is validated on the about 15th of the following month

Terms of program promotion

- Brand bidding
- Misspellings
- Driving paid or unpaid traffic from search engines directly through the branded website
- The use of all brand domains and variations is strictly prohibited in any ad copy, including the display URL
- ver-exploitation of official brand ads is strictly prohibited (identifiable by brand web URL) on all search engines.
- Email
- Cashback
- Unauthorized discount codes
- Social networks
- Affiliates must only use provided creatives
- Toolbar
- Misleading users into believing your landing page or website is the advertiser's official site. We recommend that you add "In association with Radisson Blu" copy to your home page to avoid confusion.

Category: Transport and Travel , Accommodation
Last update: 2023-10-18 21:20:18
Device type: Mobile devices , Android , Windows , iOS , Desktop , Mac , Windows , Linux , Tablet , iOS
Traffic type: Incent - No Cash
EPC : n/a
Conversion type: Sell
CR : n/a
Deeplink: Yes
Banners No

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