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Affiliate program SirtFood Diet - PL

Promote the new affiliate program SirtFood Diet.Commission: sale, conact with call center

Rate $17.93

Type COD

Description of the SirtFood Diet - PL Affiliate Program

SIRTFOOD DIET completely changes the metabolism at the cellular level and causes the breakdown of fat deposits. To lose weight quickly, there is no need to go on a diet or change your diet Period 1-15 is validated approx. 10th of the following month Period 16-31 is validated approx. 25th of the following month

Terms of program promotion

- Incent traffic
- Rebrokering
- Cashback
- Toolbar
- To use names and symbols of state and religious structures, institutions, institutions, ministries, departments, other real state and religious clinics, including template sites with the logo of the above structures and institutions
- The use of advertising materials with state symbols of ministries and departments, the indication of institutions, clinics, doctors and media personalities in advertising is prohibited

Category: Health and Beauty , Supplements
Last update: 2023-07-21 10:03:56
Device type: Mobile devices , Android , iOS , Windows , Desktop , Mac , Windows , Linux , Tablet , iOS , Android , Windows
Traffic type: No Incent
EPC : n/a
Conversion type: Sell , Call center contact
CR : n/a
Deeplink: No
Banners No

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