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How to advertise if the target audience is Generation Y

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29 February 2020

MyLead affiliate network

By promoting the affiliate programs available on MyLead, you probably deal with representatives of generation Y. Do you know how to present them an offer to get their interest? Do you know how to keep their attention to transform an interest in a conversion? Read the article below and see if you are doing everything right.

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Generation Y - who are they?

Millennials, they are also generation Y - those who were born between 1985 and 2002. These are gadgets, hipsters, startups, coworking and a fashionable beard. But first of all, Generation Y is a special psychology of life and attitude. Millennials got the opportunity to use the technology of their time, and this was reflected in the consumption model.

Generation Y

Millennials do not believe in authority, do not recognize long-term planning, and are not afraid of trying new things. They believe in themselves and their strengths. They are ready to take everything from life. They are easy to climb, tend to quickly change jobs and place of residence. They are sociable, like companies, but at the same time strive for privacy - they love closed groups and communities. They strive to lead a healthy lifestyle and therefore carefully study the composition of the products they buy, and also compare the characteristics and prices.

Marketing to Generation Y

Features of consumer psychology of Generation Y

Features of Generation Y

What should you do if your target audience is Generation Y?



Millennials value their “I” in the consumption system. They want to receive a newsletter written specifically for them, to receive information in their favorite messenger, to see advertising posts taking into account their interests.

Use social proof

Social proof

We repeat: Generation Y is already fed up with advertising. Trust in it is minimal. Millennials want to get an opinion from the same consumers and make a purchasing decision based on it. That's why, ideally connect SMM, work with bloggers and influencers and SERM: online reputation management.

Stay in touch

Stay in touch

Generation Y is constantly online. They are interested in stores where you can make a purchase any day at any time. Most of all they value the willingness to interact, openness and accessibility in the seller.

By the way, millennials are the main users of mobile applications. That's why, it is extremely important to adapt sites to mobile versions, to actively use applications. And do not forget to give feedback on user reviews and messages on social networks.

Correctly react to the negative (and it is almost inevitable, you yourself understand this). Any negative moment in the interaction of the millennial with the product and you can result in an angry publication on social networks. That's why adequately, respectfully and promptly respond to criticism.

Don't stop on one channel

Use more than one channel to advertise to Generation Y

Generation Y is not enough to see an advertising message in only one channel. Otherwise, they will only have information that the product or service exists. That's why, don't bet on one channel. Connect different sources: use not only Instagram, but also Telegram. Moreover, they can fulfill different goals, complementing each other. In this way, you will make the interaction of the line with your offer very comfortable.

To summarize - How to advertise to Generation Y?

  • Promote sales with promotions, gifts, personalized discounts.

  • Instantly respond to reviews on social networks.

  • Be honest and communicate with the consumer on an equal footing.

  • Millennials feel when they are manipulated and forced to buy.

  • Tell stories that inspire confidence.

  • Talk the language of the target audience. But don't overdo it.

  • Don't limit yourself to one social network.

Wait! We almost forgot to tell which offers to show them...

Millennials respond well to merchandise, cosmetics, dating sites, including sports and weight loss. In the Boost2pro service you will find a large number of creatives in the verticals suitable for Generation Y. And now you have the opportunity to try the service for 3 days for only 1$! Don't miss the opportunity, follow the link to the Boost2pro website and use the coupon "MyLead148" when registering.

You can also use your newly acquired knowledge to promote affiliate programs on MyLead. Don`t hesitate anymore.

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Author: Boost2pro