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Affiliate program Monetkowo - PL

Promote the new affiliate program Monetkowo.Commission: Confirmation of submission.

Rate $0.7 - 3.48

Type CPA

Description of the Monetkowo - PL Affiliate Program is a broker looking for loan brands that will help you find the loan best suited to your needs. We offer the best financial products of institutions, contact us - we will compare them for you and help you take advantage of them. With our help, you can not only help you with the information you need - we will guide you through the entire process until signing the contract with the lender.

3,47USD - an actually specified form, a client who will confirm his effectiveness during a conversation with a consultant, with proven income without bailiff activities and participating in history in BIK
1,62USD - an actually created form, a client who will confirm his action during a conversation with a consultant, with proven income without bailiff activities, but with a negative history in BIK
USD 0.52 - an actually specified form, a customer who confirms that it is used for a conversation with a consultant, with bailiff seizures The settlement is not subject to: duplicates, fake, not answering and uninterested customers.
Verification around 20th of every month

Terms of program promotion

- Incent traffic
- Brand bidding
- Typos
- Keywords
- Retargeting

- Emailing
- Blog
- Content
- Cashback
- Voucher
- Display
- Comparators

Category: Business , Loans , Short term loans
Last update: 2023-05-05 12:22:08
Device type: Mobile devices , Android , iOS , Windows , Desktop , Mac , Windows , Linux , Tablet , iOS , Android , Windows
Traffic type: No Incent
EPC : n/a
Conversion type: Loan Approval , Application confirm
CR : n/a
Deeplink: No
Banners Yes

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