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Affiliate Kampagne World of Warships - SOI - Creat an account

Vergütung $6.23


Kampagnenbeschreibung: World of Warships - SOI - Creat an account

The World of Warships Affiliate Program is an opportunity to make big money for user acquisition in the popular PC game. The affiliate program is officially presented by the award-winning online game developer Wargaming, one of the leaders in the free-to-play MMO market. The Program works on CPA. The action (conversion) is a free registration in World of Warships. SOI registration. The offer includes the invite code for the new players only: Doubloons: 200 WoWS Premium Days: 6 Credits: 2 000 000 German battleship: Nassau British battleship: Dreadnought 20x Camouflages: Restless Fire. Invite Code: ROCK - is already inserted into the registration form of a player. End of the code lifetime is October 31, 2021. Creatives: Video Link:


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Kategorie: Unterhaltung , Spiele , Client-Games , Apps , Dienstleistungen , Internet
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2022-03-16 05:19:50
Gerät-Typ: Mobile Geräte , Android , Windows , iOS , Desktop , Mac , Windows , Linux , Tablet , iOS
Traffic-Quelle: Unerlaubter Incentivierter Traffic
EPC : n/a
Conversion-Typ: Single Opt-In , Kontoerstellung und Aktivierung
CR : n/a
Deeplink: Nein
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