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Affiliate Kampagne OnThatAss - Credit card details - UK

Vergütung $4.07


Kampagnenbeschreibung: OnThatAss - Credit card details - UK

Flow: PayPal/Ideal/CC Textlink: The best fit for you right now! Thumbnail:


No incent traffic, virtual currency or content locking traffic. Prelander that cannot be closed or popups again after closed is prohibited. SMS traffic, WhatsApp traffic, Email traffic, VIRAL traffic, e.g. “share with 10 contacts.” or “tag 10 friends.” are not allowed. DO NOT allow Adult traffic. Strictly no Auto Sub, Fraud, misleading case and iFrame. Do not use the carrier's logo on creative or saying the carrier is promoting the offer. You must use the provided banners or seek approval from us if you want to use your own. No instant virus & instant winner No adult hardcore creative. All banners, Text, pre-lander must be approved in advance. No misleading banners or Deceptive Titles. No IQ Test, Love Meter, Spin Wheel, or any misleading techniques to redirect the user to the landing page Do not allow immediate opt out user traffic (user terminate service twice per day) Do not have anything related to Sexy, Islamic, Gamble and Illegal Activities. All banners, Text, pre-lander must be approved in advance.

Kategorie: Mode , Bekleidung
Letzte Aktualisierung: 2024-09-16 18:06:04
Gerät-Typ: Mobile Geräte , Android , iOS , Windows , Desktop , Mac , Windows , Linux , Tablet , iOS , Android , Windows
Traffic-Quelle: Unerlaubter Incentivierter Traffic
EPC : n/a
Conversion-Typ: Kreditkartendetails
CR : n/a
Deeplink: Nein
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