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What does Pornhub teach us about eroticism?
Pornhub is a pornographic site for sharing and watching adult content. The portal was created in Montreal in 2007 and is available almost in every country except the Philippines and India. Pornhub has become famous for its free content, but also its annual Pornhub Awards gala. The popularity of Pornhub is reflected in the statistics - it is the 10th most visited website in the world.
There is a great responsibility behind such data. Porn sites are an indispensable part of our culture and are often the first contact with sexuality for young people. What does Pornhub teach us about eroticism, also in the context of affiliate marketing? What data can we use to promote affiliate programs in the dating category? In fact, affiliate programs in Dating category are one of the most popular on MyLead. You can find over 1,000 such offers in MyLead’s affiliate campaigns catalog.
Let's learn the statistics

World Sexual Health Day
Each year on September 4, the World Sexual Health Day is celebrated. Its aim is to raise awareness about sexuality and cultural taboos. On this occasion, the Pornhub Insights team gathered detailed information about sexuality, health, and relationships based on the Pornhub Sexual Wellness Centre. It is headed by Dr. Laurie Betito and was launched in 2017. Since then, more than 40 million people seeking help and information about sex have already used its services.
Most popular phrases
The most frequently searched phrase on the Wellness website is masturbation. Is this weird? According to Dr. Laurie, it is not, because most of the users visiting Pornhub want to experience “moments of elation” in solitude, alone. One more important point is that masturbation in many cultures is considered a sinful, dirty activity. Therefore people do not talk about masturbating because it is a touchy subject.
The second most frequently searched phrase is "BDSM" - a practice that remained taboo for a long time until the premiere of "50 Faces of Grey". Some studies show that this movie has changed women's approach to eroticism as they started typing "BDSM" more often in the Pornhub search engine. Besides that, people using the Sexual Wellness Centre ask how to introduce this practice into their sex life: how to inform their partner about it, how to do it safely, etc.
Frequently searched topics
The most frequently searched topics include sexuality and health. It is great that people want to broaden their knowledge about sexual health, but on the other hand, it is worrying because it means that this knowledge is insufficient. Perhaps we are discussing sexual topics too rarely, and it can be the reason why people feel the need to educate themselves about safe sex.

Advice willingly read by men
Men are most likely to read advice that strictly relates to their male affairs. They read 69% more about erectile dysfunction than women, 12% more about penis-size, and they are 25% more interested in sexually transmitted diseases.
Advice willingly read by women
Women, on the other hand, want to explore their sexuality, which is why they are 54% more interested in the subject of discovering sexuality, 47% more interested in informal sex, and over 30% of women read advice about female orgasm and oral sex.
Can elections affect the traffic?
Pornhub's statistics clearly show that the election not only can but AFFECTS the traffic of users looking for erotic sensations. An example is the parliamentary elections that took place on 12th December 2019 in the United Kingdom. The data showed that traffic dropped slightly after the polls closed and then increased after midnight when people weren't going to bed at all - they continued to follow live election coverage and the results.

Fortnite stopped working, but what does a popular game have in common with pornography?
Video games are frequently searched on Pornhub. Fortnite itself is searched over a million times each month. The Fortnite system crash that took place on Sunday, October 13th caused its players to move to Pornhub. At that time, the number of searches containing the phrase "Fortnite" was 152% higher than the average.

An alert in Hawaii
On Saturday, January 13th, about 8:00 a.m., residents of Hawaii received an alert about a potential threat approaching the island - a ballistic missile. The warning was taken very seriously. The traffic on the Pornhub website decreased immediately after the warning. The drop was significant - users' traffic was 77 percent lower than on a standard Saturday. The breakthrough happened around 08:45 when the Hawaiians got another message - no missile was approaching them. Then people who left Pornhub started coming back to the site. The number of page views increased by as much as 48% compared to other days. There is one conclusion - in stressful situations, people look to vent their emotions on sites like Pornhub.

How did the coronavirus pandemic affect the industry?
Compared to the pre-pandemic period, the upload of porn videos created at home has increased by more than 30 percent. No one should be surprised that in the era of coronavirus, not only has the number of visits to the Porhub has increased, but also the time at which people decide to visit the site has changed.
A significant increase in the user traffic was recorded on March 10, and since then, this number has continued to grow. However, the most significant increase occurred on March 24, when Porhub announced that Pornhub's Premium service is free. Therefore, if the predictions about the return of the pandemic in the autumn prove true, it is worth taking an interest in erotic campaigns.

Pornhub statistics tell a lot about pornography and user behavior. Both women and men of all ages reach for pornographic films.
If you want to know how to make money with adult content, check our compendium of knowledge.
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