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PPI programs - get paid for every install

Support Bodorek

1 April 2023

Making money online often takes on many different forms. The most popular is the CPS program model, which involves selling physical products in exchange for a commission. There are also CPL, CPA, and COD models. Most of these models share one feature - for you to receive your own profit, someone else must bear the cost. But what if there is a model with which you earn money, but no one loses it? In this article, we will tell you about one of them.

Pay Per Install Programs

PPI, or Pay Per Install, is an earning model where you get money after the user installs the app promoted by you. You don't need to send SMS, fill out surveys, confirm your email address, or provide your personal data - a short installation is enough and the lead is awarded. PPI is very interesting but relatively rarely used. While SMS payment in many cases raises reluctance or fear, program installations are something unusual. Thanks to this, they achieve really high conversion rates. They also offer many possible promotion channels, so they will definitely adapt to your advertising environment.

Let's start with the most important thing - if you are a publisher, actions such as installing the program by yourself are prohibited and treated as fraud. Now that you know that, let's move on to much more interesting things, such as configuring affiliate programs and ideas for their promotion. How can you use them to achieve a decent profit?

To encourage users to use your installer, you need to present it in the right way. You can use the .exe (executable) extension for this purpose.

.exe programs are applications that can perform various functions on a computer. .exe files can be programs that recipients install on their computers or standalone tools, such as installation programs, text editors, web browsers, games, etc. .exe files are some of the most commonly used files on a computer and form the basis of most applications running on the Windows system.

Since the most important factor in high effectiveness is a well-chosen name, when promoting game hacks, for example, it could be "GameName_UltimateHack.exe". If it's a movie, we can use "Movieus - Movies_online.exe", and for live streams, "Stream24 - Best_live_streams.exe". Using such titles will generate interest from the visitor who will not be afraid to download the installer and make use of the Pay Per Install affiliate program.

What to promote?

Remember not to promote copyrighted film productions.

Pay Per Install affiliate programs allow promotion of virtually anything - files, applications, plugins, movies, streams, or even adult content. In order to make the project creation process as easy as possible, we have decided to provide you with 5 pre-made landing page templates that you can customize in any way you like. This is a unique feature that sets us apart from other PPI services.

  • Downloading files 
  • Watching videos 
  • Watching streams
  • +18 content 

As you've read above, PPI provides several possible ways to promote, depending on the sales page you choose.

Promotion of PPI programs may include downloading files, video, streaming, and adult content.

Downloading files with the FastFiles program

The most popular and effective landing page of them all. Users come to the page to download a file, which could be a hack, tutorial, or any other program. This type of download-focused sales page converts very well and is always a great choice. Of course, you cannot promote productions that you do not have copyright to.

Streaming with the StramOnline24 program

This sales page is used more thematically and periodically, during popular live broadcasts, for example, sports events. It can be matches or some ceremonies that are currently taking place. A TV program can help you determine the most anticipated broadcasts. You will find upcoming events that may generate huge interest. The interest leads to the desire to find and watch, which means finding the sales page and installing the program. For this PPI affiliate program, use names that suggest downloading an application for watching online streams.

Videos with AllVideo or MediaPlayer programs

This PPI program allows you to promote movies and TV shows. It is suitable for year-round promotion, but there are periods, such as fall or winter, when people spend more time at home. You can offer entertainment and access to the biggest box office hits and TV series "for chilly evenings."

Erotica with the Zone18 program

The sales page prepared for the +18 category has been designed based on sex cams, i.e., live broadcasts for adults. It is very important here to choose appropriate video materials that will be displayed to the audience. If it is satisfying, the user will definitely decide to download the application.

Where to get traffic from?

It all depends on your niche. If you are not familiar with website positioning, one way is to place links on thematically related pages, i.e. to obtain backlinks. Another effective way is to generate traffic from YouTube. To do this, you need to create a video with an appropriate title and place a link to the installer in the video description. Since YouTube is a Google product, you can count on high search results. Don't forget that you can also use paid advertising systems such as Google Ads. This requires investment from you, but in the case of advertising a sought-after and popular product, it will pay off with interest.

Another idea for promoting Pay Per Install affiliate programs could be to use social media platforms such as TikTok. Create content directly related to a specific PPI program. A TikTok account focused on a game available in the PPI program would work well here. Use the BIO description as a place to link to the specific PPI affiliate program.

Another platform that would work well for promoting PPI affiliate programs is Reddit, which has many dedicated groups. Users share information and discuss topics related to various industries. Try finding groups that are related to the specific industry of the PPI affiliate program and promote it there.

Remember that promoting PPI affiliate programs must be done in accordance with the rules established by social media platforms to avoid being blocked or warned for spam or inappropriate behavior.


  • Remember that PPI links have a very short lifespan due to browser blocking. Antivirus programs may also negatively react to PPI service ads, even though they are completely safe and do not download any harmful or tracking applications. Therefore, it is best to target mobile customers.
  • If you use sales pages instead of external offers, you don't have to worry about constantly changing links.
  • External PPI offers may include more than one action that the user must perform. An example of such a campaign is Star Conflict - Tutorial, where in addition to installing the game and completing a few levels, the user must also register and confirm their email address. The PPI program then turns into a CPA model, and the message for such a promotion should be appropriately tailored.
  • Choose the right Pay Per Install affiliate program that best suits the topic of your website. If you have trouble choosing, be sure to contact MyLead support, and we will be happy to advise you.