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Landing page. Build your own page.

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7 May 2020

What is a landing page? What benefits does it bring?

When we start working in affiliate marketing, we hear a lot about having a page, building credibility, branding, or creating a secure and properly working redirection for blocked addresses on particular platforms (often applies to 

All these aspects are linked with an already owned domain and the content on the server. In order to grow advertising conversion rate effectively, it is essential to follow several consistent rules, choose appropriate tools and match the content to the promoted campaigns. 

If you decide to use the landing page, you will also get the following benefits:

Landing Page benefits

The aim of using the landing page is one - to acquire and redirect potential customers. For a large part of the publishers, the technical configuration of the site for the first time may seem unattainable. Yet, by introducing the changes gradually, you will be able to notice that it is much easier than expected, and the time needed to resume operations is a maximum of a few hours after registering the domain. I will explain everything in detail later in this article, but let's start from the beginning.

Types and structures of landing pages

When creating the first landing page, we need to learn some significant information about the structures and possibilities we can achieve by using its different types. 

Click Through Landing Page

The first most popular solution used in affiliate marketing for many years is the Click-Through Landing Page. Its task is to encourage the recipient to be active by clicking on the CTA (Call to Action) button, which most often leads straight to redirection. The aim is to capture the users and convince them to continue using our offers and campaigns.

Click-Through Landing Page - button

The blocking of affiliate marketing domains is a common procedure for many years. Not all campaigns and promotional activities of the publishers are consistent with the rules and regulations of popular websites. To avoid problems with breaking the rules or running a dangerous website, a novice publisher should use the Click Through solution.

A simple redirection with encouraging information about further offers will eliminate the problem of blocked affiliate domains. It also facilitates promotion on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms.

It is also necessary to maintain several principles of interesting content, high-quality design and landing page responsiveness. According to the, even 50% of web users use the Internet on mobile devices.

the growing importance of responsive websites

Lead Generation Landing Page 

The main goal of Lead Generation Landing Page (Lead Gen) is to encourage the users to react and at the same time, to leave their basic contact details. 

The acquisition of e-mail addresses, names, telephone numbers, as well as other additional information, allows for several benefits from their later use for marketing purposes.

Also, remember that the Lead Generation Landing Page can be independent and exist under a separate domain, not necessarily related to the promoted campaign.

Differences between the types of landing pages></div> <div><div style=
It's worth knowing: a necessity for further marketing is to receive users consent to store and use their data. Therefore, remember to include an appropriate annotation in the form about the data you intend to use.

Subscribe newsletter via landing page

Many examples of such forms can be seen among existing e-book advertisements, webinar subscriptions, information about new products and other news (often in e-commerce).

Landing Page will significantly increase its value and effectiveness if we present interesting and unique content to the audience. By encouraging users to return to our site, we will get an additional chance to earn money. Below, I will introduce you to the most important rules related to the appropriate configuration of the appearance to reach the highest possible conversion.

Three features of a successful Landing Page - bet on creativity

Successful landing Page - how to build></div> <div><div><br></div> <div style=Creating professional, responsive, and readable landing pages is easy these days. There are many ready-made solutions to create a great looking website using available elements and graphics. 

You can use the well known Wordpress CMS together with the Elementor - a site wizard, or a ready-made free Mobirise application, as well as many other tools (like Wix).

However, in order to have the content that makes sense and has a high conversion rate, we must remember about all the features of effective Landing Page implementation.

Step 1: Professional graphics

The first step, right after choosing a wizard, is to use appropriate, possibly unique and professional graphics. You can choose a free tool, such as Canva or a paid version of the PhotoShop (with Pixabay images). The whole procedure is intuitive and allows you to create and process great graphics in a few minutes. I won't describe how these programs work as there are many free tutorials available on the web, and we still have a lot of issues to discuss. 

To make our graphic content interesting and efficient, it should reflect the offered product and, depending on the type of landing page, encourage to take action. Also, it is worth to compress the graphics before uploading them to the server, speeding up the page loading process at the same time. A helpful tool is ImageCompressor, which enables to convert files for free.

Step 2: Clear and understandable headlines

In step two, we will focus on clear, understandable and simple headlines as we want interested users to get to know our content carefully. In this way, we will make sure that users understand what action they have to take.

It is worth realizing that the activity of the recipients is entirely dependent on the content we post for them. Therefore, a creative and eye-catching headline is an essential part of any successful landing.

Each recipient reads the text in the first seconds and goes through its subsequent parts. For us, the most important is the last step - subscribing, providing data or clicking the call to action button.

Call to action button

The CTA button should be encouraging, match the appearance of our website, and inform about further actions that the recipient has to perform. For a simple redirection, the following phrases should be enough: "Click", "Test for free", "Join now", “Yes, I want to use it”. 

In the case of Lead Generation, the content should be analysed in order to minimise the number of steps in the form. Similarly, this is aimed at reducing the rejection rate.

Step 3: Clarity of the message

An effective embedding of the CTA button must be supported with relevant content. Slogans, headlines and the text itself, often used to describe the offer, must be linked to the promoted campaign and thoroughly encourage the use of the offered content. The focus should be solely on specifics, simplicity and statistical analysis.

Additional attributes to build trust among recipients:

  1. Active SSL: The phrase "unsecured" does not look good with our website address.(You can generate a free SSL certificate on Letsencrypt).
  2. Offer limitation: The information about offer expiration will positively influence further conversions. This can be information about the end of the promotion or the number of items that are running out of stock.
  3. Click-through statistics for your website: You can use heatmap - a map illustrating in real-time the clicks made by users in selected areas of the landing.
  4. Social media connection: Depending on the purpose of the promotion, it is worth considering building relationships with users.
  5. Statistics and progress analysis: Attach a tracking address to your website and use all Google Analytics features.

How to choose a domain? 

The name of our landing page should be closely related to the selected program, reflect the main product and inform the recipients about the further steps they will have to go through. It is worth to keep it simple and choose as few characters as possible.

Tip: A good solution when creating custom domains is to check the NameCheap offer. Prices for ".online" ".network" ".store" extensions at annual registration are usually a few cents, and such domains are often considered more trustworthy.

You already know what a Landing Page is - start acting without worrying about social media blockades 

To sum up, we can certainly say that a bit of willingness and following simple rules is enough to make a great converting, responsive website with full access to statistics, and other advantages.

Just pay attention at the very beginning to what your goal is and from where you want to get the traffic. Afterwards, all you have to do is to choose an interesting hosting, upload files and... Let's go!

About the Author:
My name is Cezary, on MyLead I am known as "Czaq". I have been earning online for many years, and I actively lead a group of several hundred proteges. Profiting together means not only the high scores but also dynamic self-development. If you are interested in cooperation, feel free to contact me through the MyLead panel.