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Mistakes on Facebook - what can you get banned for?

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19 June 2023
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Facebook has long ceased to be used only to connect with friends. The platform has developed and now has many solutions that allow you to place ads there or run entire campaigns. The platform's privacy policy has many provisions that can be confusing and lead to often unconscious violations, and as a consequence, account ban or blocking. So, let's take a look at how to use these features to avoid being banned from Facebook.

Disturbing activity - when can we arouse suspicion?

When setting up a profile on, which is mainly to be used for advertising purposes, you should start with the so-called "warming up the account". The main idea is to imitate the behavior of a normal user at the very beginning. This will lead to a situation where the algorithm considers you a real user, which will prevent you from receiving a Facebook ban. Examples of activities that you can do as part of warming up your account are setting up an avatar, completing basic information in the profile and starting standard activity - such as adding friends, sharing posts or liking them. If you don't have enough time, you can also choose to pay for account warming up. There are many websites that advertise on social forums or marketplaces, offering their services in this area.

Creating a Facebook page

What should be avoided at the beginning of your activities?

Here is a list of things to watch out for when you want to avoid being banned on Facebook:

1. Acting too fast - what should be done at the very beginning of creating an account is the so-called warming up. However, it is worth remembering that each of these activities should be performed in a timely manner. In this context, the quick setting of the account as advertising is suspicious. Facebook recognizes when a user tries to cheat the algorithm and complete the mentioned activities very quickly, which of course leads to receiving a Facebook ban.

2. Negligence regarding the main account - you can get a ban on Facebook if the account that is neglected places paid ads. An account with no photos, no friends, no posts or interactions of any kind, and at the same time places paid advertisements on the site, may automatically be considered suspicious.

3. Frequent changes to the main account - when editing usernames, passwords, email and other account settings are made too often, it can also lead to a Facebook ban. In addition, be careful about frequent changes of browsers, IP addresses and login countries. This is very easy to spot and can also cause problems. If you decide to take such actions, it is worth using anti-detect browsers, in which you can create an appropriate profile and save it for the future. Thanks to this, you are able to use a specific IP address despite the change of location.

4. Appointing a person who has received a ban on Facebook as an administrator of the account - accounts that have committed violations in the past and received a Facebook ban, increase the suspicion of the website in relation to our account.

5. Failure to respect copyright - which means using someone else's creatives or photographs without the appropriate permission or tagging the author. Facebook verifies them for authenticity and often reports and bans them.

6. Promoting offers that are not allowed in your country - it is worth getting acquainted with the law in force in the country where you want to advertise particular content. You can get a ban on Facebook for advertising products or areas that are illegal to advertise in a given country.

7. Using the same IP address, User Agent or Fingerprint as the banned account - if one of your accounts has been banned, then when creating another one, you should ensure that the IP address or User Agent is different from the previous one. If you decide to use the same data - it may cause a situation in which bots will detect such activity and lead another account to a Facebook ban. In this situation, the use of anti-detect browsers that will allow you to change your IP can also help.

Comparison of recommended and prohibited activities on Facebook

What is HideLink? This is the so-called link cloaker, i.e. a system that helps to avoid getting banned by bots on social networking sites. It can also prevent Facebook bans when you decide to promote on that social network. To use it, you need to fill out the appropriate application - don't worry, we have prepared instructions for you!

how to fill the hidelink aplication

Facebook bans related to paid campaigns

The first type of Facebook bans you may encounter are those related to your paid campaigns. If you take proper care of your account and follow the tips listed above, you can avoid them.

However, let's list the situations that very often lead to receiving a ban on Facebook:

1. Setting a very large initial budget for campaigns run by new accounts - a situation where a very high budget is set from the very beginning for one of the first paid campaigns can make the algorithm suspicious of you. This often leads to a Facebook ban and loss of funds. Then the amount you use for advertising is forfeited and you will not be able to get it back.

2. Setting up ads and campaigns from accounts that have not recorded any traffic for a long time or the traffic has been negligible - as mentioned before, the account should be properly warmed up before starting any advertising activities. Running a campaign from an account that has not been active for a long time inevitably leads to a Facebook ban. It immediately becomes suspicious and very quickly eliminated from the site.

How do I protect my campaign from being banned on Facebook? - you should think carefully about running paid campaigns and plan them accordingly in time and warm up your account. Only such actions will protect you from a Facebook ban. In addition, remember that you are also able to manage them externally by using various types of tools.

Facebook bans related to ads

Improper ad creation can also cause a lot of problems. However, they can be avoided by following certain rules.

The following situations increase the chance of getting a Facebook ban due to the ads you place on your profile:

1. Using low-quality ads, clickbaits and misleading users - so-called low-quality ads are one of the most common causes of bans on Facebook. What does poor quality advertising actually mean? First of all, these types of ads are unrelated to the product or area you are advertising. In addition, they can mislead the user or be the so-called clickbait - that is, they lie about the content of the page to which they actually direct the user.

2. Use of prohibited words in ads - words prohibited for use in promotions that can make you get a Facebook ban include: "earnings'', "profit", "payout" or "income". It also counts if you just hide these words with symbols, for example: "@". Keep this in mind when creating content for your advertising posts.

3. Advertising and publishing content that is against Facebook policy - there is a whole catalog of content that is divided into segments and topics. Their promotion and use on the site inevitably leads to Facebook bans. Before starting a campaign for your product or service, make sure that they are not in the forbidden directory. In this case, you can also use external tools. Interestingly, they offer the opportunity to check whether the algorithm is able to verify what is in the photo you have published.

4. Promotion of creations that were used on a banned account - you should not use images or content that you have already used in the past on an account that received a Facebook ban. It would mean that you expose the new account to the occurrence of a similar situation. If you want to use any of the archival materials, it is worth using artificial intelligence. It will help you keep the original meaning of the text, as well as generate unique photos and creatives.

It is worth mentioning that each ad is reviewed within 24 hours. Most of them are checked automatically by bots, only a few go through manual human verification. By using the right tools, you increase your chance of being successfully accepted by bots. Therefore, not every ad automatically receives a Facebook ban. If this happens, there is always the option to submit a re-verification request. So nothing is lost and it's worth trying if you think you've been banned on Facebook wrongly.

Content that does not comply with Facebook's policies

How to avoid bans on Facebook caused by ads? - make sure your ads are of good quality, don't link to off-topic or empty content. Secondly, make sure that you do not use words that arouse suspicion on the website. Finally, make sure that the promotion complies with the rules. The promotion cannot use content that violates security, that provokes or refers to prohibited areas. If you do not meet any of the criteria - then a Facebook ban is inevitable.

Facebook bans related to payments

When setting up your ad account, you'll be asked to add a payment method. Here, there may also be some problems, leading to a Facebook ban. Here are some of the examples:

1. Unsuccessful attempts to charge the account - there may be situations in which the card will be rejected when trying to pay. Of course, this does not always result in receiving a Facebook ban. However, if the situation repeats several times and Facebook fails to charge your account, your payments may be held in the future.

2. Using cards that have already been blocked - the algorithm very accurately remembers the cards from which the payment was made. If any of the cards turned out to be blocked - they are placed on the so-called "blacklist". What does this lead to? First of all, to the fact that when you try to connect such a card again on the occasion of another account or campaign, you can expect a ban on Facebook.

How to protect yourself from being banned on Facebook for a failed payment? First of all, it's good if the card is registered in the country where the campaign is conducted or the advertisements are directed to. In addition, you should not make frequent payment changes - it makes the algorithm suspicious of you which means it will be much easier to get a Facebook ban.

More useful information on making money on Facebook is in our blog post, where we described a tool that helps in the already mentioned payments.

Bans on Facebook related to the large amount of complaints reported by other users

The website's operation policy allows users to submit a ban on Facebook on their own. It happens when any of the content raises concern or is considered incompatible with the principles of the privacy policy.

1. Complaints may relate primarily to the fact that:

  • certain content is offensive,
  • you promise the user unrealistic actions and results,
  • the content of your landing page does not match the product you are promoting,
  • users have reported your account as spam

How to avoid user complaints leading to a Facebook ban? In order to avoid complaints from Facebook users, think about the content of your ads and analyze whether they match the theme of your profile. In addition, it is good to monitor comments and add a contact to yourself on your profile. This will facilitate communication and allow the user to express their dissatisfaction in a different way than reporting a Facebook ban.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that all applications are always verified. This means that not every complaint is directly related to a Facebook ban. It depends on what and how you promote. If it is content that is not related to the rules of the community, of course, you can get banned even faster.

Where else to look for information?

There are many situations in which you can get a Facebook ban and you should remember to prepare your account properly and adapt your ads and campaigns to the applicable standards. It is also worth knowing how to effectively omit security measures on Facebook and thus protect yourself from a Facebook ban. This is what our free ebook is all about.

Contents of the ebook about making money on Facebook

go to the ebook



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